Thursday, March 17, 2016

Egg Shaker Vibrato

Today is our last group class before Easter, so to celebrate I'll be giving out homemade egg shakers to all of my students! All you need are a couple dozen plastic eggs, a half tablespoon of rice in each, and a little hot glue or tape to help keep them sealed. I chose the smaller eggs to accommodate the smaller hands of my beginning students.

Egg shakers are great for preparing the left arm and hand muscles for vibrato! I learned this trick from my teacher-trainer Joanne Bath! It's as simple as holding the egg shaker in the left hand and shaking it and it is useful for practicing both arm and wrist vibrato. For a more refined and metered approach, you can practice with a metronome as the girl in this video is doing! One shake per beat, then two, then four, etc.

And as we artists know, presentation matters; that's why I'll be presenting the eggs from a lovely little basket and wearing a pair of bunny ears at group tonight. :) 

In honor of today being St. Patricks Day, I searched for some kind of shamrock treat or golden coins, but the best I could find was Skittles! Taste the rainbow!